Friday, September 24, 2010

6-2 Stephen Crane's, "The Open Boat."

I did not really enjoy "The Open Boat."  I know we can not all be expected to enjoy every story we read, but it just was not my cup of tea.  Four mean were out at sea after there ship sank.  They all four were very different and worked together in order to survive.  Each man had their own strength whether it be actual strength or smarts.  They shared a boat so small they had a hard time moving without tipping it over.  They had no food and were growing weak.  They all seem to stay in high spirits regardless of the face they were stuck out at sea.  All four men were in high hopes when they spotted a beach with a man waving.  They all assumed the man was going to come and save them.  If I were out at sea, I would assume the same thing.  They waited and expected for someone to send a boat and save them.  The men waited and waited until they grew tired, and eventually decided to swim for it.  When I read this part of the story it made me think about life in general.  People were all over the beach watching and almost waiting for the four men to drown.  No one on the beach got any help.  This is a lot like people in the world today, and how they watch people suffer and offer no help.  In my opinion that is exactly the point Crane was trying to make.  The four men represented humanity and the people on the beach represented the universe.  The universe does not care you are here and is not going to help you.  I am not saying that this is what I believe, but given Crane's outlook on life, this is what I assumed he was talking about.  In the end they decide to fight to save their own lives, and one man dies.  I honestly thought it would be the captain, since he was injured, but I was wrong.  After all the working together not everyone could make it.

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